Embryo biopsy


In the process of embryo biopsy, the embryologist facilitates the removal of a few cells from the outermost layer embryo that will eventually take the shape of the placenta. 

On the days 5, 6 & 7 of development, these cells send the biopsy off for genetic evaluation. 

 Who can get this service?

The process can be performed on patients undergoing the IVF treatment on doctors recommendation.

 Side effects/any points to note:

A very common question asked by everyone around is if the procedure will hurt the baby.

The procedure of embryo biopsy is totally safe and risk-free and is performed with utmost care and intricacy.

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Embryo biopsy is recommended in specific cases to assess genetic abnormalities or screen for certain conditions. At Felicity IVF and Fertility Center, we offer personalized consultations to determine if embryo biopsy is necessary for your fertility treatment.

Embryo biopsy is a safe procedure when performed by experienced professionals. At Felicity IVF and Fertility Center, we prioritize your safety and well-being, providing thorough assessments and personalized care throughout the process.

The embryo biopsy procedure involves removing a small number of cells from the embryo for genetic testing. This is typically done by gently removing cells from the outer layer of the embryo. At Felicity IVF and Fertility Center, we ensure a careful and precise biopsy procedure to maximize accuracy and minimize any potential risks.

After embryo biopsy, the embryos are usually frozen while awaiting genetic testing results. Once the results are available, the embryos with the desired genetic profile can be selected for transfer. At Felicity IVF and Fertility Center, we provide comprehensive support and guidance throughout the process, ensuring the best possible outcome for you.

Embryo treatment involves procedures aimed at optimizing embryo quality and increasing the chances of successful pregnancy. This may include embryo biopsy for genetic testing, embryo transfer, or cryopreservation. At Felicity IVF and Fertility Center, we offer personalized embryo treatments tailored to your specific needs and goals.

The time to receive embryo biopsy results varies depending on the specific genetic testing method used. Typically, results are available within one to two weeks. At Felicity IVF and Fertility Center, we provide regular updates and support while awaiting test results, ensuring you are informed and supported throughout the process.

Embryo biopsy allows for the assessment of genetic abnormalities and screening for specific conditions, helping to select embryos with the highest chance of success for transfer. This can improve pregnancy rates and reduce the risk of genetic disorders in offspring. At Felicity IVF and Fertility Center, we offer embryo biopsy as part of our advanced fertility treatments, providing personalized care and support to maximize your chances of a successful pregnancy.