
The technique of examining and selecting sperm with the use of a high magnification digital imaging microscope at the time of performing the IVF treatment is known as Intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection (IMSI). 

 Who can get this service?

This procedure depends on the doctor’s recommendation and differs from one person to the other. 

However, it is usually recommended for patients with the following specific cases: 

  • Continuous failed attempts of sperm transfer
  • Patients with high and severe tetrazoospermia 
  • People with high sperm DNA fragmentation
  • Long-term and unexplained sterility

 Side effects:

There are no proven side effects of this procedure.

 Duration of the process:

Once the process is done, it takes 8-10 weeks of progesterone injection.


IMSI, or Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection, is an advanced technique used in IVF where sperm are magnified to select the highest quality for fertilization. At Felicity IVF and Fertility Center, we offer IMSI as part of our comprehensive fertility treatments, providing tailored care to optimize your chances of successful conception.

IMSI offers several advantages, including enhanced selection of high-quality sperm for fertilization, potentially improving embryo development and pregnancy rates. At Felicity IVF and Fertility Center, we utilize IMSI to maximize your chances of successful conception, providing personalized care and support throughout your fertility journey.

The cost of IMSI treatment varies depending on factors like clinic fees and medication. At Felicity IVF and Fertility Center, we provide transparent pricing and discuss financial options to ensure accessibility to our advanced fertility treatments.

IMSI is a safe procedure, but like any medical treatment, it carries some risks. These may include potential damage to the egg or embryo, although such occurrences are rare. At Felicity IVF and Fertility Center, we prioritize your safety and well-being, providing personalized care and monitoring to minimize any potential risks associated with IMSI.

Both IMSI and ICSI are advanced techniques used in IVF, each with its benefits. IMSI offers enhanced selection of high-quality sperm, potentially improving fertilization and embryo development compared to traditional ICSI. At Felicity IVF and Fertility Center, we offer both IMSI and ICSI, tailoring treatments to your specific needs to optimize your chances of successful conception.

During IMSI, sperm are magnified using high-powered microscopy to select the best quality for fertilization. The selected sperm are then injected directly into the egg, similar to ICSI. At Felicity IVF and Fertility Center, we offer personalized IMSI treatment, guiding you through each step with care and expertise to maximize your chances of successful conception.

IMSI IVF success rates vary but have shown promising results in improving fertilization and pregnancy rates compared to traditional IVF. At Felicity IVF and Fertility Center, we provide personalized care to optimize your chances of success with IMSI IVF, guiding you through your fertility journey with expertise and empathy.

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